Very Effective For Cancer Healing With 4 tbsp daily

A lot of people and one of which is the Russian expert Hristo Mesmerski, said a cancer cure is there. He claimed this is healthy and amazing for cancer.

This makes you stronger and boosts the immunity and heart. Blood vessels get cleaned and body too. Kidneys and liver work perfect and memory/brain also get better. Heart attacks are prevented and cancers are removed.


You need:

  • 12 garlic cloves
  • 15 lemons
  • 400 g walnuts
  • 400 g sprout greens
  • 1 kg honey


Get a glass bowl and add the wheat inside. Add water to cover this and soak it all night. In the morning after 12 hours, drain it and wash with water. Strain with gauze and return the wheat back for 24 h.


Get grinder and add walnuts, wheat and garlic here to grind. Grind the 5 lemons too and peel them. The 10 rest lemons are for juice. Add the juice too. Add honey and stir with wooden spoon. Place this in glass jar and refrigerate. Use it after 3 days.

Mesmerski said to have this 30 min prior sleep. For cancer, have 2 tbsp every 2 hours. Metabolism will get very boosted.

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